
Showing posts with the label IoT
Installing Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi In this post I will be going to process of how to install Windows 10 IoT core for Raspberry Pi 2. For more information about Windows IoT Core, please visit the official site ( ). Windows IoT core is the operating system built for Internet of Things. Requirement: -           Windows 10 PC -           SD Card -           Raspberry Pi 2 Get started 1. Download OS for Raspberry Pi Firstly, we need to download Windows 10 IoT core package for Raspberry Pi 2 on the official website: After downloading the package, we then Install Windows IoT Core For Raspberry Pi on your PC. Double-click on the file downloaded and install Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi. Afte...

Install Node-RED on Orange Pi

Step 1: Install NodeJs v7.x curl -sL http s: // deb .nodesource. com /setup_7. x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt- get install - y nodejs Step 2: Install Node-RED sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red Step 3: Start Node-RED root@orangepizero:~# node-red 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 35 - [ info ] Welcome to Node-RED =================== 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 35 - [ info ] Node-RED version: v0.16.2 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 35 - [ info ] Node.js version: v7.7.3 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 35 - [ info ] Linux 3.4 .113-sun8i arm LE 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 37 - [ info ] Loading palette nodes 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------ 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [warn] [rpi-gpio] Info : Ignoring Raspberry Pi specific node 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------ 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [ info ] Settings file : /root/.node-red/settings.js 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [ info ] User directory : /root/.node-red 22 Mar 17 : 51 : 43 - [...

Install Eclipse Kura on Orange Pi Zero (9$; 512MB of RAM)

Orange Pi is a series of cheap single-board computers. It can run   It can run Android 4.4, Ubuntu, Debian, Rasberry Pi Image. In this post, I tried to install Eclipse Kura on a Orange Pi Zero which has    the AllWinner H2 SoC, and has 512MB DDR3 SDRAM. This board will be the next generation for our system (Agrinode project). The fist step, we install Kura on the board and test is to verify that it can work correctly as the Raspberry Pi. This post is also available at AgriNode project page: Install Debian on Orange Pi Please follow the link: Install default java JRE/JDK on Debian (JDK 7) Web Browser Plugin To install the default Web Browser Plugin on your system, run: apt-get install icedtea- plugin JRE To install the default JRE (Java Runtime Environment) on your system, run: apt-get install default -jre JDK To insta...

Hardware choices for AgriNode System- Wireless Sensor Network System

The goal of AgriNode project is to build a Wireless Sensor Network - WSN for agricultural applications such as greenhouse management, monitoring water quality for a fish farm. The system can help farmers to monitor their own farm and support them in decision-making based on sensed data. The Fig. 1 shows the AgriNode system architecture. In this post, we demonstrate the hardware choices for the Agrinode system. To design AgriNode hardware system, we utilized low-cost electric devices that farmer can cover. Agrinode hardware system consists of two main parts: a gateway and sensor nodes.  The gateway (Fig. 2) is a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Os which is fully compatible with Eclipse Kura - the heat of AgriNode system. A Wifi dongle is added with Raspberry Pi for establishing a WiFi connection which sensor nodes can connect to.  Fig. 2 - AgriNode Gateway Each sensor node contains a microcontroller, power module and connected sensors. The microco...

Tutorial: Build a Configurable Eclipse Kura Application via Reactive Blocks

Summary.  This tutorial demonstrates how to build a Kura application into a bundle by using Reactive Blocks . About Reactive Blocks. Bitreactive provides the visual development environment that allows java users build their own IoT applications by simply connecting building blocks. Each Reactive Block is designed for a specific purpose such as connecting to Cloud platform (IBM Watson IoT, Xively,...), providing MQTT protocol, LoRaWAN interface,... Reactive Blocks is a Plugin for Eclipse , which provides a development environment for a developer build a complex application by drag and drop reactive blocks from the Reactive Blocks libraries. For me, I have a very basic knowledge of Java but I can build a complex java application with Reactive Blocks. Each block has a description in the form of input and output pins and contract. In addition, Reactive Blocks provides the analyze and animation tools which are helpful for testing the applications. References: Block b...