Localization of Dates and Times with Flask-Moment
Previous post: Get started with Python Flask Framework on IBM Bluemix Flask-Moment is an extension for Flask applications that integrates moment.js into Jinja2 templates. Flask-Moment is installed with pip For locally: $ pip install flask-moment For Bluemix: In requirements.txt add: Flask-moment==0.5.1 In hello.py : Initialize Flask-Moment from flask_moment import Moment moment= Moment (app) Add moment.js into base template base.html In templates/base.html : Import moment.js library {% block scripts %} {{ super() }} {{ moment.include_moment() }} {% endblock %} To work with timestamps Flask-Moment makes a moment class available to templates. In hello.py passes a variable called current_time to the template for rendering. In hello.py : Add a datetime variable. from datetime import datetime @app.route('/') def index () : return render_template( 'index.html' , current_time=datetim...